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Welcome to Two-Legged-Four-Legged.

The two-legged one is me, Renate Fuchs, and I would like to guide you through my pages with my four-legged friends. Do you have some time? Great, then have a look around. Perhaps I'll pique your interest.

The question keeps coming up: What is it about dogs that fascinates us humans? They live closer to us than any other animal and are loyally by our side. No matter what color, size or breed, we love our dogs. Our four-legged friends accompany us for part of our lives. This is a shared path. This path is often accompanied by joy and sadness, but also by ignorance, uncertainty or even fear. But our four-legged friends are always loyal companions on this shared path.

I have made it my mission to use my knowledge to support two-legged friends and their four-legged friends on their journey.

I would be happy to help you too. Please send me a brief email with your request under Contact.

Your Renate Fuchs with Henry and Harvey

Harvey und Henry
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